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Grants for Research Stays in Austria

Grants for Research Stays in Austria

We would like to inform about the following grant schemes for PhD Students and PhD's up to 35 years for research stays in Austria

Upcoming deadline: 1.3.2008

For the following target countries also 1-month grants are available:
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Macedonia,
  • Montenegro,
  • Serbia

More information on the grants/scholarships is directly accessible on:

The grants are provided by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research of the Republic of Austria

  • Grant "Ernst Mach" for research projects in all fields of siences, for research stays of 1 to 4 months
  • Grant "Franz Werfel" for university lecturers of German language and Austrian literature for stays of 4 to 9 months
  • Grant "Richard Plaschka Scholarship" for Humanities and Theology; Historical Sciences, Linguistics and Literature Sciences and Austrian literature 4 to 9 months (prolongation possible)

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