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Konkurs za najbolju fotografiju o zdravstvenom sistemu


Evropska ministarska konferencija o zdravstvenim sistemima Regionalnog biroa za Evropu Svetske zdravstvene organizacije pod nazivom „Zdravstveni sistemi, zdravlje i blagostanje" održaće se u junu mesecu 2008. godine u Talinu u Estoniji.

Za ovu konferenciju se pripremaju brojni dokumenti sa dokazima i rezultatima istraživanja o delotvornim pristupima i strategijama za razvoj zdravstvenih sistema. Među njima će biti i Povelja o zdravstvenim sistemima usmerena na pokazivanje i dokazivanje centralne uloge zdravstvenih sistema u „proizvodnji" zdravlja i njihovom doprinosu ekonomskom rastu i razvoju, te samim tim i društvenom blagostanju.

Ovim povodom otvoreno je i takmičenje za najbolju fotografiju o zdravstvenim sistemima u Evropskom regionu SZO. Pozivaju se svi, kako amateri, tako i profesionalni fotografi da pošalju svoje fotografije koje su u skladu sa osnovnim konceptom ove Ministarske konferencije - dinamičnim odnosom između zdravstvenih sistema, zdravlja i blagostanja. Imajući ovo u vidu, fotografi mogu da ilustruju jedan ili više aspekata zdravstvenih sistema kao što su zdravstvene usluge, ljudi u zdravstvenom sistemu, tehnologije, zdravstvene informacije, finansiranje, regulativa, upravljanje ili međusektorska saradnja.

Fotografije se šalju elektronski od 1. decembra 2007. godine do 31. marta 2008. godine. Sve informacije o ovom konkursu se mogu naći na veb adresi: Treba obratiti pažnju na stroge uslove konkursa i tehničke specifikacije fotografija.

Izbor najbolje tri fotografije (prva, druga i treća nagrada, kao i specijalne pohvale) će biti obavljen u aprilu i maju 2008. godine i zasnivaće se na njihovoj povezanosti sa temom konferencije, snazi poruke, kreativnosti, tehničkom kvalitetu i primerenosti međunarodnom auditorijumu.

Ministartsvo zdravlja Republike Srbije poziva amatere i profesionalne fotografe da učestvuju na ovom evropskom konkursu sa svojim doživljajem zdravstvenog sistema.

Asist 2008 International Paper Contest



The Special Interest Group on International Information Issues (SIG-III) of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is pleased to announce its ninth competition for papers to be submitted for the 2008 Annual Meeting, which will take place in Columbus, Ohio, October 24-29, 2008.

The theme of this year's paper contest is:
"People Transforming Information - Information Transforming People"

The theme may be addressed at either the country or regional level issues. Papers could discuss issues, policies and case studies on specific aspects of the theme, such as, but not limited to the following (some adopted from the conference theme):

- Individual identities and how they are transformed by the impact of information technologies
- The societal archive - is it disappearing and/or being marginalized?
- Societal attentions and how emphasis on information technology either allows or hinders these
- Openness, access and privacy issues
- Generational, economic, and socio-cultural dimensions of impact of information on people's lives
- Cognitive and emotional aspects of interactions with information
- Reshaping the boundary between personal and public information space
- The effect of collective information creation on authority and trust
- Information by the people for the people
- The role of information in connecting people and community building
- How well is current technology meeting human needs, and what should future technology research and development involve to better meet our needs?
- How transformable and transferable is indigenous information from "peripheral countries"?
- The ratio of conduct size to contents richness in less connected countries.

There will be up to six winners who will be selected by a panel of judges including Judy Jeng (Chair), Jonathan Levitt (Co-Chair), Aaron Bowen, Yunfei Du, Julian Warner, and Yin Zhang.

Selection Criteria

Papers will be selected through a peer review process. The judging criteria will be based on:

· Originality of paper in the developing world environment (originality of the project described, etc.)
· Relevance to the Paper contest.
· Presentation and organization.
· Style. The international paper contest committee requires that submissions follow the International Information and Library Review instructions to authors. Detailed information is available under the heading, Guide for Authors at:

The prize for each winner is a two-year individual membership in ASIS&T. In the case of multiple authors, the principal author will be awarded the ASIS&T membership. In addition, depending on SIG III fundraising for this competition, the first place winner will be rewarded a minimum of $1,000 toward travel, conference registration, and accommodations while attending the ASIS&T Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio, October 24-29, 2008.

Publishing opportunities

Submitted papers will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the International Information and Library Review, subject to the usual peer refereeing process, for that journal.

Information for authors

Only papers by a principal author who is a citizen of, and resides in a developing country are eligible. Winners in the 2004-2007 contests are not eligible. The papers should be original, unpublished, and ONLY in English. We encourage submissions from librarians, information and network specialists, and educators involved in the creation, representation, maintenance, exchange, discovery, delivery, and use of digital information.

ASIS&T Copyright Policy

ASIS&T will have the non-exclusive right to publish any of the papers submitted on its web site or in print, with ownership and all other rights remaining with the author.

Deadline for submission of full papers

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts, not to exceed 5,000 words, by March 31, 2008, to, preferably as Microsoft Word attachments.

Please check the SIG III website ( for more information about the SIG III International Paper Contest, including Frequently Asked Questions, past CFPs, previous winners and winning papers, and stories from previous winners.

Opportunity for Teachers to Spend a Year in the UK as Teaching Assistants


Applications are invited from teachers or university students training to be teachers who are nearing the end of their course to spend one year in a British Independent School as an Assistant Teacher.


Objectives: To provide teachers with the opportunity to gain experience of the British educational system, to understand something of the British way of life and to gain a greater command of English. Teachers of the following subjects are most easily placed: Maths, Sciences, Information Technology, Design and Technology, Art , Music, Physical Education and Sport, Junior Classes and possibly also French, German, Spanish or History and Geography.
Each year there are a very few vacancies for teachers of English who generally assist with teaching the language to students from overseas, but these teachers should normally offer at least one other subject.
Most vacancies are for secondary teachers (pupils aged 11-18) but some vacancies do exist also for teaching younger pupils (aged 7 - 13 and occasionally for kindergarten).

Essential Qualities

  • a good knowledge of English - you must be able to communicate easily but total fluency is not essential if you are willing to learn quickly.
  • competent in subject area
  • willing to gain experience in residential situation
  • friendly and outgoing
  • adaptable in unfamiliar situations
  • able to integrate easily
  • confident and independent
  • hardworking, willing and highly motivated
  • able to work in a team
  • readiness to assist with supervision of sports and other extra-curricular activities (expertise in a sport, music, drama or other activity would be welcome but not essential)
  • a commitment to share the experience on returning to your country at the end of the year

PhD Fellowships at the Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen


The Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, is inviting applications for 6 PhD fellowships funded by the globalisation pool of the Danish Government and supporting parties, starting 1 September 2008 for a period of up to three years. Applications may concern any subject area within the Humanities.

A short description of the academic fields covered by the Faculty is available at .

The complete text of the announcement of the fellowships is available from Further information is available from the PhD Centre, tel. +45 35 32 92 23, e-mail:, Room 10.1.22, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.

Onassis Foundation Educational Scholarships



October 2008 - September 2009

The Foundation announces the fourteenth (14th) annual Programme of research grants and educational scholarships starting on October 1st, 2008, which is addressed to non Greeks, full Members of National Academies, University Professors of all levels (Ph.D. holders), postdoctoral researchers (Ph.D. holders), artists, elementary and secondary school teachers of the Greek language as a foreign one, post-graduate students and Ph.D. candidates.


The Programme covers the following fields only:

  • Humanities: Philology, Literature, Linguistics, Theology, History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Educational Studies, Psychology
  • Political Science: Sociology, International Relations
  • Arts: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Photography, Film Studies


The grants and scholarships offered within the framework of this Programme cover scholarly research, post-educational training in the teaching of the Greek language and culture and/or artistic creation in Greece only and in the fields stated in the above paragraph only.

In principle, only persons of non Greek descent are eligible to participate in the Programme. As an exception to this rule, Cypriot citizens are also eligible to apply for category AI and AII grants only, provided they are permanently residing and working outside Greece.

Additionally, as a second exception to the general rule, persons of Greek descent (second generation and on) are also eligible to apply for a grant or scholarship, provided they are permanently residing and working abroad or currently studying in foreign Universities. More specifically, Categories AI and AII also apply to Scholars of Greek descent or citizenship provided they have a professional academic career of at least ten (10) years in a University or Research Institute abroad. Also eligible for the Programme are Teachers of the Greek Language of Greek descent or citizenship, who work at elementary or secondary schools outside of Greece and post-graduate students of Greek descent or citizenship, who pursue post-graduate studies outside of Greece (categories B and C), have obtained a degree outside of Greece and are permanently residing outside of Greece for more than fifteen (15) years.

The decision to authorise each application for a grant or scholarship is left to the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors of the Foundation. The Board takes into account the recommendations of the Foundation's Scientific Committee, which is selected by the Board, but is not bound by these recommendations. Furthermore, the Board of Directors can grant or not an application without communicating the rationale. All meetings of the Board and all recommendations of the Committee are confidential and under no circumstances will they be communicated to the applicants. The submission of an application equals acceptance of all the conditions of the Announcement.

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan International Scholarship Programme


The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS de Cachan) has implemented a Scholarship Programme aimed at foreign students who are currently studying or have studied and obtained their latest diploma outside of France.

This programme is aimed at students wishing to apply for a second year Research Master (RM2) or for a PhD in order to follow or pursue their research training in one of the departments or laboratories of the ENS de Cachan. Priority is given to students who wish to undertake a complete second year of Research Master and to students who wish to carry out a research internship within the framework of a joint PhD ("co-tutelle").

The grant amounts to 1000 euros/month. These grants are awarded for a minimum period of one semester (six months) and a maximum period of 12 months not renewable.


Konkurs za dodelu poslediplomskih stipendija na École Normale Supérieure de Cachani


A. Presentation and aims
  1. The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS de Cachan) has implemented a Scholarship Programme aimed at foreign students who are currently studying or have studied and obtained their latest diploma outside of France.
  2. This programme is aimed at students wishing to apply for a second year Research Master (RM2) or for a PhD in order to follow or pursue their research training in one of the departments or laboratories of the ENS de Cachan. Priority is given to students who wish to undertake a complete second year of Research Master or a joint PhD ("cotutelle").
  3. The grant amounts to 1000 euros/month.
  4. These grants are awarded for a minimum period of one semester (six months) and a maximum period of 12 months not renewable*.
Grants at the Master level:
- Grants are awarded for a period of 10 months to students applying for a whole academic year to
carry out a Research Master (RM2). All ENS de Cachan master programmes are concerned, except
the social sciences master programme.
- Grants are awarded for a period of 6 months to students applying for one semester of study or

Grants at the PhD level:
- Grants are awarded for a period of 12 months to students applying for a whole academic year to
carry out research in one of the ENS de Cachan laboratories. All ENS de Cachan research
laboratories are concerned.
- Grants are awarded for a period of 6 months to students applying for one semester to carry out
research in one of the ENS de Cachan laboratories. All ENS de Cachan research laboratories are
- In some case, especially for joint PhDs, 12 month grants may be awarded, upon decision of the
jury, for two 6 month periods running through two consecutive academic years.

B. Conditions of participation
Required diplomas:
  • For admission in a second year of Research Master (RM2), candidates must justify of a 1st year of Master degree (M1 equivalent to 60 European ECTS credits, at Master level) or an equivalent diploma recognised by ENS de Cachan.
  • For research training, candidates must justify of minimum a 1st year of Master degree (M1 equivalent to 60 European ECTS credits, at Master level) or an equivalent diploma recognised by ENS de Cachan.
  • For admission at PhD level, candidates must justify of a Master degree recognised by ENS de Cachan or be registered as a PhD student in a higher education institution. ENS de Cachan - International Scholarship Programme
Language skills:
  • A good knowledge of the French language is required for students applying for a complete academic year in a Research Master level 2.
  • For RM2 level admission, candidates must be less than 26 years old when starting their training at ENS de Cachan.
  • For PhD level admission, candidates must be less than 28 years old when starting their training at ENS de Cachan or when they registered in PhD.
This Scholarship Programme is open to students of all nationalities. However, priority is given to
candidates from European countries, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, the United States.

Are not eligible:
  • Foreign candidates who are registered, in view of obtaining a diploma, in a French higher education institution.
  • Candidates who have already been awarded another grant for the same period.
  • Previous years' grant holders*

* In some case, especially for joint PhDs, 12 month grants may be awarded, upon decision of the jury,
for two 6 months periods running through two consecutive academic years.

C. Registration, status and diploma
- Grant-holders admitted for a whole academic year as RM2 at the ENS de Cachan will be registeredas ENS de Cachan regular students and may obtain credits and the Master diploma of the ENS de Cachan.
- Grant-holders admitted within the framework of a joint PhD: the joint PhD agreement governs the status of the student.
- Other grant-holders will be given the status of students of the international programme of ENS de Cachan, and according to their situation and the appreciation of the selection committee, will either be registered in a study programme and may obtain a Master diploma, or a research traineeship agreement will be signed between ENS de Cachan and their home institution prior to their registration at ENS de Cachan.
- All grant-holders will sign a grant-agreement with the ENS de Cachan.

All travel expenses will be borne by the grant-holder (registration fees, library fees, health insurance,
accommodation, transport etc..).

D. Selection criteria
- Quality of the candidate's academic career (honours, ranking, duration of career)
- Quality of the scientific project
- French language skills (essential at the RM2 level) and/or English language skills

E. Selection procedure
The selection procedure takes place in two stages. Candidates are invited to read carefully the following instructions.
Stage I - Pre-selection
Candidates pre-selected at Stage 1 will receive an e-mail before February 18th, 2008 that will give them
access to the appropriate application materials for final selection.
Stage 2 - Selection

Mailing address:
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Relations internationales
61, Avenue du Président Wilson
94235 Cachan cedex - France

Candidates are required to send by e-mail (preferably) or by regular mail their application file, composed of:

  • a letter of intention, specifying at the RM2 level the choice of Master and/or research training in a laboratory, at the PhD level the choice of laboratory and research project
  • a detailed CV retracing the academic career and results (rank and marks) since entry at university
  • Application deadline : January 14th, 2008

Candidates pre-selected at stage 1 above and who have received a notification by e-mail of their pre-selection, must send by post a complete application in 2 copies, comprising the following documents:
- a detailed study programme and/or research programme established with :
a) the head of the laboratory at ENS de Cachan for research trainining or PhD students
b) the head of the academic department at ENS de Cachan for RM2 students
- the application form duly filled (send by e-mail to pre-selected students)
Application deadline : April 28th, 2008

International VELUX Award 2008 za studente arhitekture


VELUX poziva studente arhitekture iz čitavog sveta da istražuju na temu dnevne svetlosti u arhitekturi u okviru konkursa čija je tema Light of tomorrow.

International VELUX Award otvorena je za kreativna razmišljanja o ulozi dnevne svetlosti u arhitekturi - ne samo kao komponente dizajna, već i kao o centralnom arhitektonskom pitanju.

Kao student arhitekture možete slobodno istraživati ulogu dnevne svetlosti u arhitekturi, bilo da želite da se fokusirate na urbani kontekst, pojedinačne zgrade ili neki abstraktniji koncept. Možete se takođe fokusirati na važnost sunčeve i dnevne svetlosti u održivoj arhitekturi koja uzima u obzir i ritmove i balanse koji vladaju u prirodi.

Konkurs ohrabruje otvoreni dijalog o svetlosti sutrašnjice na osnovu eksperimentanog pristupa i slobodoumnog razmišljanja. Ne postoje specifične kategorije ili ograničenja u vidu korišćenja VELUX proizvoda u projektima. Svi poslati projekti se ocenjuju a pobednike bira internacionalni žiri sastavljen od priznatih arhitekata. Ukupna vrednost nagrada iznosi 30 000 EUR.

Vaše učestvovanje je dobrodošlo i radujemo se Vašem doprinosu stalnoj diskusiji na temu dnevne svetlsoti u arhitekturi. Skrećemo Vam pažnju da je potrebno da se registrujete za učešće na konkursu do 8.3.2008.godine a projekte pošaljete do 8.5.2008.godine.
Više informacija možete pronaći na

Stipendija Centra za naučna istraživanja SANU i Univerziteta u Kragujevcu




Centar za naučna istraživanja Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti i Univerziteta u Kragujevcu raspisuje Konkurs za dodelu jedne stipendije studentu Mašinskog fakultetu u Kragujevcu.

Prednost u izboru ima kandidat koji želi da studira na usmerenju Biomehanika i koji je spreman da učestvuje u radu na naučno-istraživačkim projektima Centra.

Prijave podneti Centru za naučna istraživanja Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti i Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, ulica Jovana Cvijića bb, 34000 Kragujevac.

Prijava treba da sadrži:

1. Prijavu
2. Potvrdu da je redovni student Mašinskog fakulteta u Kragujevcu
3. Izjavu da će studirati na usmerenju Biomehanika
4. Biografiju

Rok za podnošenje prijave je 20. decembar 2007.

Scholarships for Master of Science Programmes 2008/2009, Politecnico di Milano


Thanks to the cooperation with public and private partners, for the incoming year 2008/09 there is the opportunity to request consideration for specific scholarships offered to international students applying to one of our Master of Science courses taught in English.

* CCIAA Camera di Commercio di Milano
* Fondazione Cariplo
* Unioncamere

Programmes held in Como and Lecco campuses, entirely taught in English:

* Building Engineering
* Computer Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* Environmental Engineering
* Management Economics and Industrial Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering

Programmes held in Milano campus, entirely taught in English:

* Architecture
* Urban Planning Policy Design
* Product Service system Design
* Computing System Engineering
* Material Engineering

All international students who fill-in the on-line application form by January, 15th, 2008 and deliver the required documentation to the International Admission Office by January 30th 2008, will automatically be considered for purely merit-based scholarship that covers both tuition fee and accommodation. Students obtaining a scholarship will have to pay only a nominal tuition fee of €144.


: PhD Scholarships in Political Science, University of Dublin


University of Dublin, Trinity College Six Fully-funded Four-year Ph.D. Scholarships, Department of Political Science, Trinity College Dublin

Starting October 2008, covering fees and stipends of up to €16,500.

Our four-year doctoral programme is designed to give students the highest level of training to become scholars at the forefront of the discipline. Most of our Ph.D. graduates have gone on to careers in research and teaching at established universities, while others have gone on to careers in government and business.

The Department of Political Science at Trinity ranks among the best political science departments in the world according to independent evaluations of its research and teaching (e.g. in the global ranking of political science departments conducted by Professor Simon Hix at the London School of Economics). Ph.D. researchers also benefit from the Department's strong links with Institute for International Integration Studies at Trinity College Dublin ( This Institute brings together researchers from different disciplines to study international integration. In addition, the Department is involved in the Dublin School of Social Sciences, which provides graduate training in collaboration with University College Dublin.

The doctoral programme is designed to impart substantive knowledge about politics, and to train students in the techniques, including quantitative methods, necessary to recognize, design and implement cutting-edge research. The writing of a dissertation of original research follows a rigorous training in how to design and conduct research.

We seek outstanding and motivated graduates for entry to our doctoral programme in October 2008. Applicants are particularly welcome from students who wish to conduct research in areas in which the Department has particular research strengths: comparative European politics, European Union politics and policies, Irish politics, public policies, electoral systems, political parties, public opinion and electoral behaviour, the politics of international law, international organisations, and political theory. The Department also invites applications from students whose research develops innovative quantitative methods, such as the quantitative analysis of political texts, as this is another strong area of research among staff.

Prospective students are encouraged to consult the webpages of members of staff (, and to email individual staff members who could be potential supervisors for their Ph.D. dissertations. General enquiries may be directed to the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr.
Robert Thomson (

The deadline for applications to the doctoral programme for entry in October 2008 is April 1st 2008.

Students who require an early decision on their entry to the doctoral programme are encouraged to contact the Director of Graduate Studies.

PhD Scholarship in Stochastic and Fuzzy Modelling, Auckland University of Technology


Auckland University of Technology PhD Scholarship Software Engineering Research Laboratory School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences.

A fully funded PhD position is available in the Software Engineering Research Lab at Auckland University of Technology and applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates.

The scholarship is tenable for up to four years to support work in the area of stochastic and fuzzy modelling in the management of software development projects.

Successful candidates will have an Honours (or more likely a Masters) degree in Computer Science or similar technical discipline. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the software development lifecycle and have an interest in software project management. Strong development skills, preferably in Java or C++, will be required.

Applications are invited from potential international students as well as New Zealand citizens, Permanent Residents and Australian citizens. Applicants with interests in the areas of Software Product and Process Improvement, Optimisation Algorithms, Requirements Engineering or Visualisation are also invited to apply. Closing date for applications is 26 January 2008.

Interested applicants should in the first instance send a CV and covering letter to:

Dr Andy Connor (D-75)
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

The Cartier Award 2008


The Cartier Award for emerging artists living outside the UK is a major initiative by Frieze Projects in collaboration with Gasworks and sponsored by Cartier.

Artists are invited to propose a new work to be realised at Frieze Art Fair 2008 which will be produced under the auspices of Frieze Projects. Projects may take the form of site-specific installation; performance; film; video and print work.

The Cartier Award includes:

- A 3 month residency at Gasworks from August to October 2008 including accommodation, per diems and travel expenses
- Project production costs of up to £10,000
- An artist's fee of £1,000

The Cartier Award selection committee 2008 is:

Neville Wakefield (Curator, Frieze Projects)
Hervé Chandčs (Director, Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art)
Mia Jankowicz (Residency Curator, Gasworks)
Richard Wentworth (Artist)

The Cartier Award is open to non UK based artists within five years of graduating from an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, or under 30 years of age.

An online application form is now available.

Gasworks is a contemporary arts organisation in South London housing 12 artists' studios and presenting a programme of exhibitions, residencies, international fellowships and educational projects.

Cartier has a long-standing relationship with contemporary art. More than 20 years ago the company established the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris - a unique example of corporate patronage for contemporary art.

Cartier is the associate sponsor of Frieze Art Fair supporting Frieze Projects and The Cartier Award.


50 Master Scholarships - MEDEA, Eni Corporate University, Italy


Competition announcement
Academic Year 2008-2009

The call for application is published every year at the end of November

You can download the Brochure and the Pre-requisites for the admission MEDEA

The Eni Corporate University announces a competition for an academic course that leads to a Master's Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA. The course is organized and managed by the Scuola Enrico Mattei.

The Master is offered to Italian and foreign university graduates that are interested in career paths within firms, authorities and other institutions operating in the energy and environmental sectors. For the Academic Year 2008-2009, the Scuola Enrico Mattei will assign a maximum of 50 scholarships.

Three programs of the MEDEA are offered:

  • Energy Industry Economics
  • Business Administration in Energy Industry
  • Managing Technical Assets in Energy Industry

The program is articulated on three phases, with an increasing degree of specialisation. All profiles consist of preliminary courses, followed by fundamental courses and by specialisation classes.

The Academic Year runs for ten months, from September 3, 2008 through to June 30, 2009. Full-time attendance is required. Since courses are conducted in Italian and in English, an intensive Italian language course will be held during the summer of 2008. Those who have successfully completed the programme of study will be awarded a
Master's Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA.


Admission is subject to the following requirements:

  • university degree in Italy, or an equivalent academic qualification abroad, in departments of: Business Administration, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Geology, Industrial Chemistry, International Law, Physics and Statistics;
  • Italian candidates must be under the age of 28 years and non-Italian candidates must be under the age of 32 at the beginning of the Master course;
  • good knowledge of the English language.

The course, moreover, can be attended also by people autonomously chosen by the Eni Companies.


The deadline for application is March 31, 2008 for foreign citizens and April 30, 2008 for Italian citizens.

Italian candidates will attend the final selection in San Donato Milanese (MI); non-Italian candidates in Algeri, Almaty, Ankara, Beijing, Brussels, Budapest, Cairo, Lagos, London, Luanda, Madrid, Monaco, Moscow, New York, Sao Paulo, Tripoli, or in other offices of Eni, depending on their nationality.


Euros 25,000


For successful candidates, the admission to and the enrolment in the School carry no fees. The School offers students a financial contribution for the accommodation and living expenses. Moreover, students are given free training materials and the opportunity to avail themselves of Eni canteen facilities. Finally, scholarships are
provided on the basis of examination results.

San Donato Milanese,
December 11,2007
The Chief Executive Officer

Sergio Primus

Applications must be sent online at:

For further information and leaflet please contact the School Secretary at:

Scuola Enrico Mattei, Eni Corporate University, Via S. Salvo, 1
20097 - San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy.
Tel. (0039) 02.520.57922 or (0039) 02.520.57907; fax (0039)

International Master in Social Policy Analysis (IMPALLA)

 International Master in Social Policy Analysis (IMPALLA)

The IMPALLA program is organized jointly by the CEPS/INSTEAD (Luxembourg) and the catholic University in Leuven (Belgium). Its broader academic network includes University of Nancy 2 (France), University of Tilburg (The Netherlands) and University of Luxembourg.  

The program leads to an advanced Master Degree issued by the K.U. Leuven where the IMPALLA students are registered as regular students.  

The academic program has three major objectives: - to offer a solid theoretical foundation in comparative socio-economic policies, at the European level and beyond - to provide a thorough training in advanced research methodology - to give a well-founded expertise in policy evaluation   For more information please consult   

Grants for Research Stays in Austria

Grants for Research Stays in Austria

We would like to inform about the following grant schemes for PhD Students and PhD's up to 35 years for research stays in Austria

Upcoming deadline: 1.3.2008

For the following target countries also 1-month grants are available:
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Macedonia,
  • Montenegro,
  • Serbia

More information on the grants/scholarships is directly accessible on:

The grants are provided by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research of the Republic of Austria

  • Grant "Ernst Mach" for research projects in all fields of siences, for research stays of 1 to 4 months
  • Grant "Franz Werfel" for university lecturers of German language and Austrian literature for stays of 4 to 9 months
  • Grant "Richard Plaschka Scholarship" for Humanities and Theology; Historical Sciences, Linguistics and Literature Sciences and Austrian literature 4 to 9 months (prolongation possible)

Nagradni konkurs "Najlepša pesma"

 Nagradni konkurs "Najlepša pesma"

Književni klub „Rujno"iz Užica, organizuje nagradni konkurs „Najlepša pesma"

Uslovi konkursa:
  • tema slobodna
  • do 3 neobjavljene pesme poslati u 3 primerka, potpisane šifrom sa razrešenjem šifre u posebnoj koverti
  • bez starosnog ograničenja
  • rok 15. mart 2008.godine
  • rezultati konkursa 30.aprila 2008.godine
  • pesme poslati na adresu:

Književni klub „Rujno"
-za konkurs-
Dragoljub Jasiković
Alekse Šantića 82
31000 Užice

Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Milan PhD Scholarships

Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Milan PhD Scholarships


Dear Colleague,
the Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Milan informs that it is now open the first Call for Application, for AY 2008/2009, based on qualifications and interviews, for admission to the Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences to the following Ph.D. Programs:

Ph.D. in Economics - 3 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. programme, all of these with a scholarship.

Ph.D. in Labour Studies - 2 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. programme, all of these with a scholarship.

Ph.D. in Political Studies - 2 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. programme, all of these with a scholarship.

Ph.D. in Sociology - 3 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. programme, all of these with a scholarship.

The deadline for application is strictly 28th February 2008.

For further information and to download the Call, please visit the GS website at the following addresses:

3-year PhD Program on Molecular Genetics, Berlin

 3-year PhD Program on Molecular Genetics, Berlin

Dear colleague,
the International Max Planck Research School for Computational Biology and Scientific Computing, a joint graduate program of the Freie Universitaet Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, invites applications for a PhD program.

The PhD program is designed as a 3-year program starting in autumn 2008 and is open for international students.
The closing date for applications is February 24, 2008.

We would be grateful if you could communicate the announcement to interested students. A poster can be downloaded from

For further details and the application procedure, please visit

PhD Scholarships in International Studies, University of Trento

 PhD Scholarships in International Studies, University of Trento

The University of Trento is now inviting applications from qualified candidates for its three-year PhD Programme in International Studies. This highly structured multidisciplinary programme is composed of a minimum of 200 hours of coursework. Students follow a common curriculum in International studies, methodology, research design, and history, and attend advanced seminars in their major and minor subjects, chosen from amongst the disciplines of Economics, Law, and Politics & Society. The coursework is concentrated in the first year, with the third semester being devoted to the completion of the research proposal. At least one semester must be spent abroad for research. The school invites applications across the whole range of disciplines comprising international studies, but particularly encourages students who intend to carry out research in the following areas: European and International Politics; European, Comparative and International Law; Open Economy Macroeconomics, International Trade and International Financial History. One scholarship will be reserved for applicants with a research project in the area of Trans-national Crime. An additional scholarship is reserved for candidates with a research project in the area of Politics of European and Regional Integration.

The programme is conducted entirely in English and will be taught by members of the university's multi-national faculty. No tuition fees apply. The programme offers number of full scholarships renewable for three years subject to satisfactory academic appraisal. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit and will be augmented by 50% for authorised research periods spent abroad. At least 50% of the admitted candidates will be offered scholarships.

Application Deadline: March 17, 2008.

For further details, consult our website or contact us: (School of International Studies, University of Trento, Via Verdi 8/10, I-38100 Trento (TN), Italy, phone: +39 0461 883150, email:,

* The University of Trento is currently ranked number 411 in the THES World University Ranking.

Konkurs "Srpsko pero"

 Konkurs "Srpsko pero"

Savet 23. Književnog festivala 'Srpsko pero' iz Jagodine, koji po tradiciji treba da bude završen na Vidovdan 28. juna, raspisao je konkurs za ovu godinu.

Pravo učesća imaju mladi pisci do 35 godina starosti, koji žive u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Republici Srpskoj ili srpskoj dijaspori.

Rad na srpskom jeziku - pesmu, priču, esej ili međužanrovsko ostvarenje dužine do 10 kucanih stranica i to pod šifrom i u tri primerka, autori treba da pošalju do 15. maja.

Adresa je: Narodna biblioteka Jagodina [za konkurs 'Srpsko pero'], 35000 Jagodina, ulica Kneginje Milice 2. U posebnoj koverti treba
poslati rešenje šifre sa kraćom biografijom.

Pobedniku Književnog festivala, na koji je prošle godine stiglo više od 100 radova mladih pisaca, pripašće unikatna povelja, novčani deo i jedno likovno delo, dar Muzeja naive iz Jagodine.

European Young Journalist Awards

 European Young Journalist Awards

You are challenged to write a thought provoking article about EU Enlargement and submit it to this pan-European competition, which strives to give voice to people's views on the topic of enlargement.

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Enlargement in partnership with the European Youth Press launched this competition to encourage writers between the age of 17-35 to reflect on their home continent, express their views on the European Union's enlargement policy and to exchange their ideas with other young people on an international level.

Participants are asked to submit a recently published or soon-to-be published article on EU enlargement via the competition website by March 15, 2008.

Overview of Rules:
Participants must be citizens or residents of one of the EU member states, or a candidate or potential candidate country. Entries can be written in one of the official EU languages or one of the languages of the candidate and potential candidate countries. After articles are submitted, national juries made up of experienced journalists will select the winning article from each country in April 2008. One national winner will be selected for each country. All winners will be invited on a trip through the Western Balkan countries and will have the opportunity to participate in a conference with media representatives from various countries in June 2008. More information and ideas for articles are available on the website of the competition.

PhD Positions at The Department of Computer Science and Engineering

PhD Positions at The Department of Computer Science and Engineering

PhD Positions in Parallel Programming and Algorithms for Interprocess Synchronization of Multicore Systems

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers Technical University

Application deadline March 11, 2008. Reference nr 2008/34

The Department provides strongly international and dynamic research environments with 76 faculty and 75 PhD
students from about 30 countries. For more information, see

Knowledge of Swedish is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research. Both Swedish and English are used in undergraduate courses. Half of our researchers and PhD students are native Swedes; the rest come from more than 20 different countries.

Applicants must have a very good undergraduate degree in Computing Science or in a related subject with a strong Computing Science component. They must also have a strong, documented interest in doing research. You may even apply if you have not yet completed your degree, but expect to do so by 1 September 2008.

We particularly encourage applicants with interests in:
Parallel Programming and Algorithms for Interprocess Synchronization of Multicore processors, with focus on Lock/wait-free Synchronization, concurrent data structures.

For more information on this point see the webpages of the group Distributed Computing and Systems or contact Philippas Tsigas (

How to apply
The full application should contain:

  1. A letter of application, listing specific research interests
  2. A curriculum vitae
  3. Copies of degrees and other certificates
  4. Copies of relevant work, for example dissertations or articles, that you have authored or co-authored
  5. Letters of recommendation from your teachers or employers.

You MUST include or e-mail Letters of Recommendation: we typically get over 100 apps, and it is simply not feasible for us to request individual letters

The job reference number is: 2008/34. The last date for your full application to arrive is March 11, 2008

Send your application electronically in PDF files or by paper-mail to:
Registrator, Chalmers University of Technology, Se-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden.
Phone: +4631 772 1000, Fax: +4631 772 4922, E-mail:

You will know the result of your application by 30 May 2008.

For Further Information Regarding graduate education at our department please contact:

i) the Vice Head of Department, Graduate Education: Professor Reiner Hähnle (
ii) the Graduate Studies Director of the Department, Ass. Professor Jan Jonsson (

Union representatives:
SACO Jan Lindér, TCO Marie Wenander, SEKO Ralf Berndtsson All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

PhD Scholarships in Finance at BI, The Norwegian School of Management


The Department of Financial Economics BI, The Norwegian School of Management Oslo, Norway

1. Financial Assistance
The Department of Financial Economics has available a number of PhD stipends starting in September 2008. The stipends are for a four year period and offer NOK315,000 per annum (approx. US$55,000) and also cover tuition fees. Each stipend contains a 35 hour per year teaching duty which usually consists of teaching assistant work. Academically excellent students should have a MSc in Finance or closely related subject.

2. Program Structure
The PhD in Finance is taught entirely in English and is structured such that the first year of study covers course work and exams (60 ECTS credits). The Department of Financial Economics plans to offer the following courses in the 2008/2009 academic year: Asset Pricing Theory, Empirical Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance Theory, Market Microstructure, and Advanced Topics in Finance. In addition, we are a member of the Nordic Finance Network (NFN) ( which coordinates schools in the Nordic area offering PhD courses in finance. Through the network it is possible to visit other schools for a short period in order to undertake courses. We also actively encourage students to take longer periods of study at top class institutions around the world.

3. About the Department of Financial Economics
The Department of Financial Economics is committed to excellence in research. Currently we have thirteen faculty members in research positions. Faculty members have published in, amongst others, the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial
Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business, and the Journal of Political Economy. Based in publications the department ranks as one of the top finance departments in Europe.

4. Application Procedure
Application forms are available at . Applicant are required to submit the following: completed application form, description of planned research work, CV, copies of letters of reference, copies of awarded degrees along with grades. Admission to the program is determined after consideration of each candidate's qualifications. Applications must be submitted by the 28th of March and emailed directly to:

Professor Richard Priestley
Department of Financial Economics
Norwegian School of Management
Nydalseveien 37 N 0484 Oslo

Phone: +47 46410515

International Short Story Contest

 International Short Story Contest

On the occasion of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and within the framework of the campaign "1001 Actions for Intercultural Dialogue", the Anna Lindh Foundation and its Spanish network call an International Short Story Contest aimed at young people from the 37 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean space.

The contest is aimed at the production of short stories whose content is related to intercultural dialogue as an instrument for the resolution of contemporary crises which concern the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The contest is aimed at young people under 30 years of age, citizens of one of the 37 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean space.

The short stories must be less than 2,500 words, and can be written in any of the official languages of the participating countries. They must be completely original and unpublished works.

The short stories must approach issues related to intercultural dialogue, especially of a political, socio-cultural, economic and environmental nature.

All stories must be sent to e-mail address.

The writers must include with the short story presented a photocopy of an identity document and personal details: name and surname, date of birth, nationality, address, e-mail.

The stories can be sent by e-mail until 12 midnight on 15th of March 2008.

Participation in the contest implies surrender to the IEMed and the Anna Lindh Foundation of the author's rights over the competing work. The Anna Lindh Foundation and the IEMed reserve the right to publish and use the works received for their future activities.

Carrer Girona 20, 5a planta
08010 Barcelona
tel: (+34) 93 244 98 50

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