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Nagradni konkurs "Najlepša pesma"

 Nagradni konkurs "Najlepša pesma"

Književni klub „Rujno"iz Užica, organizuje nagradni konkurs „Najlepša pesma"

Uslovi konkursa:
  • tema slobodna
  • do 3 neobjavljene pesme poslati u 3 primerka, potpisane šifrom sa razrešenjem šifre u posebnoj koverti
  • bez starosnog ograničenja
  • rok 15. mart 2008.godine
  • rezultati konkursa 30.aprila 2008.godine
  • pesme poslati na adresu:

Književni klub „Rujno"
-za konkurs-
Dragoljub Jasiković
Alekse Šantića 82
31000 Užice

Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Milan PhD Scholarships

Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Milan PhD Scholarships


Dear Colleague,
the Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Milan informs that it is now open the first Call for Application, for AY 2008/2009, based on qualifications and interviews, for admission to the Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences to the following Ph.D. Programs:

Ph.D. in Economics - 3 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. programme, all of these with a scholarship.

Ph.D. in Labour Studies - 2 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. programme, all of these with a scholarship.

Ph.D. in Political Studies - 2 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. programme, all of these with a scholarship.

Ph.D. in Sociology - 3 students will be admitted to this Ph.D. programme, all of these with a scholarship.

The deadline for application is strictly 28th February 2008.

For further information and to download the Call, please visit the GS website at the following addresses:

3-year PhD Program on Molecular Genetics, Berlin

 3-year PhD Program on Molecular Genetics, Berlin

Dear colleague,
the International Max Planck Research School for Computational Biology and Scientific Computing, a joint graduate program of the Freie Universitaet Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, invites applications for a PhD program.

The PhD program is designed as a 3-year program starting in autumn 2008 and is open for international students.
The closing date for applications is February 24, 2008.

We would be grateful if you could communicate the announcement to interested students. A poster can be downloaded from

For further details and the application procedure, please visit

PhD Scholarships in International Studies, University of Trento

 PhD Scholarships in International Studies, University of Trento

The University of Trento is now inviting applications from qualified candidates for its three-year PhD Programme in International Studies. This highly structured multidisciplinary programme is composed of a minimum of 200 hours of coursework. Students follow a common curriculum in International studies, methodology, research design, and history, and attend advanced seminars in their major and minor subjects, chosen from amongst the disciplines of Economics, Law, and Politics & Society. The coursework is concentrated in the first year, with the third semester being devoted to the completion of the research proposal. At least one semester must be spent abroad for research. The school invites applications across the whole range of disciplines comprising international studies, but particularly encourages students who intend to carry out research in the following areas: European and International Politics; European, Comparative and International Law; Open Economy Macroeconomics, International Trade and International Financial History. One scholarship will be reserved for applicants with a research project in the area of Trans-national Crime. An additional scholarship is reserved for candidates with a research project in the area of Politics of European and Regional Integration.

The programme is conducted entirely in English and will be taught by members of the university's multi-national faculty. No tuition fees apply. The programme offers number of full scholarships renewable for three years subject to satisfactory academic appraisal. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit and will be augmented by 50% for authorised research periods spent abroad. At least 50% of the admitted candidates will be offered scholarships.

Application Deadline: March 17, 2008.

For further details, consult our website or contact us: (School of International Studies, University of Trento, Via Verdi 8/10, I-38100 Trento (TN), Italy, phone: +39 0461 883150, email:,

* The University of Trento is currently ranked number 411 in the THES World University Ranking.

Konkurs "Srpsko pero"

 Konkurs "Srpsko pero"

Savet 23. Književnog festivala 'Srpsko pero' iz Jagodine, koji po tradiciji treba da bude završen na Vidovdan 28. juna, raspisao je konkurs za ovu godinu.

Pravo učesća imaju mladi pisci do 35 godina starosti, koji žive u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Republici Srpskoj ili srpskoj dijaspori.

Rad na srpskom jeziku - pesmu, priču, esej ili međužanrovsko ostvarenje dužine do 10 kucanih stranica i to pod šifrom i u tri primerka, autori treba da pošalju do 15. maja.

Adresa je: Narodna biblioteka Jagodina [za konkurs 'Srpsko pero'], 35000 Jagodina, ulica Kneginje Milice 2. U posebnoj koverti treba
poslati rešenje šifre sa kraćom biografijom.

Pobedniku Književnog festivala, na koji je prošle godine stiglo više od 100 radova mladih pisaca, pripašće unikatna povelja, novčani deo i jedno likovno delo, dar Muzeja naive iz Jagodine.

European Young Journalist Awards

 European Young Journalist Awards

You are challenged to write a thought provoking article about EU Enlargement and submit it to this pan-European competition, which strives to give voice to people's views on the topic of enlargement.

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Enlargement in partnership with the European Youth Press launched this competition to encourage writers between the age of 17-35 to reflect on their home continent, express their views on the European Union's enlargement policy and to exchange their ideas with other young people on an international level.

Participants are asked to submit a recently published or soon-to-be published article on EU enlargement via the competition website by March 15, 2008.

Overview of Rules:
Participants must be citizens or residents of one of the EU member states, or a candidate or potential candidate country. Entries can be written in one of the official EU languages or one of the languages of the candidate and potential candidate countries. After articles are submitted, national juries made up of experienced journalists will select the winning article from each country in April 2008. One national winner will be selected for each country. All winners will be invited on a trip through the Western Balkan countries and will have the opportunity to participate in a conference with media representatives from various countries in June 2008. More information and ideas for articles are available on the website of the competition.

PhD Positions at The Department of Computer Science and Engineering

PhD Positions at The Department of Computer Science and Engineering

PhD Positions in Parallel Programming and Algorithms for Interprocess Synchronization of Multicore Systems

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers Technical University

Application deadline March 11, 2008. Reference nr 2008/34

The Department provides strongly international and dynamic research environments with 76 faculty and 75 PhD
students from about 30 countries. For more information, see

Knowledge of Swedish is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research. Both Swedish and English are used in undergraduate courses. Half of our researchers and PhD students are native Swedes; the rest come from more than 20 different countries.

Applicants must have a very good undergraduate degree in Computing Science or in a related subject with a strong Computing Science component. They must also have a strong, documented interest in doing research. You may even apply if you have not yet completed your degree, but expect to do so by 1 September 2008.

We particularly encourage applicants with interests in:
Parallel Programming and Algorithms for Interprocess Synchronization of Multicore processors, with focus on Lock/wait-free Synchronization, concurrent data structures.

For more information on this point see the webpages of the group Distributed Computing and Systems or contact Philippas Tsigas (

How to apply
The full application should contain:

  1. A letter of application, listing specific research interests
  2. A curriculum vitae
  3. Copies of degrees and other certificates
  4. Copies of relevant work, for example dissertations or articles, that you have authored or co-authored
  5. Letters of recommendation from your teachers or employers.

You MUST include or e-mail Letters of Recommendation: we typically get over 100 apps, and it is simply not feasible for us to request individual letters

The job reference number is: 2008/34. The last date for your full application to arrive is March 11, 2008

Send your application electronically in PDF files or by paper-mail to:
Registrator, Chalmers University of Technology, Se-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden.
Phone: +4631 772 1000, Fax: +4631 772 4922, E-mail:

You will know the result of your application by 30 May 2008.

For Further Information Regarding graduate education at our department please contact:

i) the Vice Head of Department, Graduate Education: Professor Reiner Hähnle (
ii) the Graduate Studies Director of the Department, Ass. Professor Jan Jonsson (

Union representatives:
SACO Jan Lindér, TCO Marie Wenander, SEKO Ralf Berndtsson All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

PhD Scholarships in Finance at BI, The Norwegian School of Management


The Department of Financial Economics BI, The Norwegian School of Management Oslo, Norway

1. Financial Assistance
The Department of Financial Economics has available a number of PhD stipends starting in September 2008. The stipends are for a four year period and offer NOK315,000 per annum (approx. US$55,000) and also cover tuition fees. Each stipend contains a 35 hour per year teaching duty which usually consists of teaching assistant work. Academically excellent students should have a MSc in Finance or closely related subject.

2. Program Structure
The PhD in Finance is taught entirely in English and is structured such that the first year of study covers course work and exams (60 ECTS credits). The Department of Financial Economics plans to offer the following courses in the 2008/2009 academic year: Asset Pricing Theory, Empirical Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance Theory, Market Microstructure, and Advanced Topics in Finance. In addition, we are a member of the Nordic Finance Network (NFN) ( which coordinates schools in the Nordic area offering PhD courses in finance. Through the network it is possible to visit other schools for a short period in order to undertake courses. We also actively encourage students to take longer periods of study at top class institutions around the world.

3. About the Department of Financial Economics
The Department of Financial Economics is committed to excellence in research. Currently we have thirteen faculty members in research positions. Faculty members have published in, amongst others, the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial
Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business, and the Journal of Political Economy. Based in publications the department ranks as one of the top finance departments in Europe.

4. Application Procedure
Application forms are available at . Applicant are required to submit the following: completed application form, description of planned research work, CV, copies of letters of reference, copies of awarded degrees along with grades. Admission to the program is determined after consideration of each candidate's qualifications. Applications must be submitted by the 28th of March and emailed directly to:

Professor Richard Priestley
Department of Financial Economics
Norwegian School of Management
Nydalseveien 37 N 0484 Oslo

Phone: +47 46410515

International Short Story Contest

 International Short Story Contest

On the occasion of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and within the framework of the campaign "1001 Actions for Intercultural Dialogue", the Anna Lindh Foundation and its Spanish network call an International Short Story Contest aimed at young people from the 37 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean space.

The contest is aimed at the production of short stories whose content is related to intercultural dialogue as an instrument for the resolution of contemporary crises which concern the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The contest is aimed at young people under 30 years of age, citizens of one of the 37 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean space.

The short stories must be less than 2,500 words, and can be written in any of the official languages of the participating countries. They must be completely original and unpublished works.

The short stories must approach issues related to intercultural dialogue, especially of a political, socio-cultural, economic and environmental nature.

All stories must be sent to e-mail address.

The writers must include with the short story presented a photocopy of an identity document and personal details: name and surname, date of birth, nationality, address, e-mail.

The stories can be sent by e-mail until 12 midnight on 15th of March 2008.

Participation in the contest implies surrender to the IEMed and the Anna Lindh Foundation of the author's rights over the competing work. The Anna Lindh Foundation and the IEMed reserve the right to publish and use the works received for their future activities.

Carrer Girona 20, 5a planta
08010 Barcelona
tel: (+34) 93 244 98 50

Konkurs za modne dizajnere "Fashion revolution"

 Konkurs za modne dizajnere "Fashion revolution"

Udruženje građana ˝Slobodni beogradski duh˝ raspisuje konkurs za modne dizajnere od 10. februara do 10. marta 2008. godine u cilju razvijanja kreativne svesti i pomaganju talentovanim pojedincima.

Projekat ˝Fashion revolution˝ je nastao kao apel svim mladim kreativcima da se pokrenu i plasiraju svoje ideje, da se pokažu javnosti i promovišu sebe.

Strucni žiri koji će biti zadužen za ocenjivanje vaših radova predvodi prof. Marko Lađušić koji će zajedno sa svojim saradnicima (Jelena Nikolić i Bojana Simić) izabrati one koji poseduju originalne i kvalitetne ideje.

Izabrani će kao nagradu dobiti besplatno organizovanje revija u šta spada: prostor, pista, rasveta, ozvučenje, manekeni, koreograf, scenograf, frizeri, šminkeri, organizacija kastinga, organizacija fitinga, organizovanje press konferencije, logotip za scenografiju ili projekcija itd.

Prostori u opticaju su: Muzej primenjenih umetnosti, SKC i Tursko kupatilo.
Projekat će se realizovati od 24. do 29. aprila 2008. godine.

Da bi radovi ušli u razmatranje moraju da zadovoljavaju sledeće kriterijume:

  • Pet skica modela u JPEG formatu (skenirane ili fotografisane)
  • Dve fotografije gotovih modela - poželjno je, nije obavezno
  • Svi fajlovi moraju biti spakovani u PDF dokument (ne veći od 5mb)
  • U mail-u napisati lične podatke (ime i prezime, adresa stanovanja, datum rođenja, kontakt telefon i e-mail) ili poslati kratak CV.
  • Poslati na e-mail

Za sve detaljnije informacije obratite nam se putem maila i mi ćemo vam vrlo rado odgovoriti ili putem telefona 060/4887-414, kontakt osoba Nikola Simić.

The Henk Bodt ASML-TU/e Scholarship

The Henk Bodt ASML-TU/e Scholarship

The Henk Bodt ASML-TU/e Scholarship Fund was launched in 2007 to commemorate the retirement of Henk Bodt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ASML - a world-renowned pioneer in semiconductor technology situated in Eindhoven.

The scholarship is open to prospective *international Master's students*. It is aimed at talented students who wish to study for their Master's of science degree at Eindhoven University of Technology and gain three-year invaluable work experience at ASML. More information on ASML can be found on and ASML


Eligible students who apply for the following TU/e master's programs will take part in the selection procedure for this scholarship:

  • Applied Physics
  • Business Information Systems
  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Embedded Systems
  • Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Systems and Control

Eligible countries: All countries (outside the Netherlands) .

Costs covered: This is a full cost scholarship covering tuition fees and living expenses.

How many scholarships are available? There are 40 scholarships each academic year offered to students who have been admitted to one of the eligible TU/e Master's programs. 

Agris Mundus Scholarships

 Agris Mundus Scholarships

Academic admission for the Agris Mundus course and selection for an Agris Mundus scholarship are two different steps that need to be distinguished.

  • Academic admission refers to the right to follow the course, after a review of the academic background and professional project of the candidate. Around 70 to 80 candidates may be admitted each year, and around 50 are supposed to actually enter the course.
  • Selection for an Agris Mundus scholarship not only needs that the admission above is confirmed, but also that a number of criteria specific to the Erasmus Mundus scholarship system are observed. Around 20 to 30 scholarships are usually offered every year.

The minimum admission criteria are the same for all students irrespective of their country of origin or of the training track they candidate to.

  • Bachelor of Sciences (180 ECTS) in a field related to agricultural development or a BA in the Social Sciences or equivalent;
  • Verified excellent quality of the institution where this first degree was obtained;
  • Excellent academic background with marks identifying the candidate among the 20% best students of his former studies (BSc or BA degree with honours 1st class or 2nd class minimum);
  • Strongly convincing letter of motivation and 2 letters of support from referees.

Agris Mundus is a high level Master of Science, and the selection at admission is severe (see the table below). Only candidates who are able to show evidence of a very good level and well constructed motivation have a chance to be admitted. Within this group, preference will be then given to candidates with appropriate professional experience and strongly convincing recommendations by an academic or a professional body.

Candidates who cannot show evidence of such criteria are invited to refrain from applying.

PhD program Molecular Medicine

PhD program Molecular Medicine

The Medical University of Graz offers a PhD-Program in Molecular Medicine. The program provides cutting-edge education with respect to the molecular basis of human diseases and therapeutics. The thesis projects focus on various aspects of metabolic diseases, inflammation, and cancer and integrate basic, applied, and clinical sciences,

as well as a wide spectrum of experimental techniques.

Admitted PhD-students receive funding for three years. Applicants must hold a master degree in Medicine, Chemistry or Life Sciences. Fluent communication in English is required.

Deadline: March 9, 2008

More about the application process you can find here.

Additional information you can find on their web page

The International Class: A Global Learning Community

The International Class: A Global Learning Community

The International Class brings together innovators - practitioners and scholars from the US and around the world - who share a passion for social change and for advancing performance-based, activity-theoretic approaches to education, therapy, health care and community development. Under the direction of Lois Holzman, the program is a 10-month course of study that combines three short residencies in NYC with online seminars and supervision
in the Institute's cutting-edge developmental methodology. A creative playground and postmodern academy, participants expand their therapeutic, performance and improvisational skills, engage the philosophical and political
issues emerging from their research and practice, and build ties and support for themselves and their communities.

Who are participants? In its first four years, The International Class has included 39 practitioners and scholars from Argentina, the Balkans, Bangladesh, Canada, El Salvador, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, the Philippines, Rwanda, Serbia, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan and cities across the US.

More information? For more information, including details on program, fee schedules, scholarships, etc., please contact Lois Holzman, Director, East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy,

Fellowship opportunity for journalists

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, 14 February, 2008 09:29
Subject: Fellowship opportunity for journalists

The Institute for Human Sciences has published a new call for application for its Milena Jesenská Fellowships for journalists. Below, you will find the basic information; I attach also the pdf  file of the printed flyer. Please let me know, if you wish to have some copies of the flyers for distribution.


The Milena Jesenská Fellowship program was established by the Institute for Human Sciences and by the European Cultural Foundation, and is supported by Project Syndicate. It offers European journalists working in print, broadcast and electronic media time off from their professional duties in order to pursue in-depth research on a
European topic of their choice.
The call for applications 2008/09 is directed towards European cultural journalists, with the term `cultural´ interpreted in a broad sense to encompass a wide variety of artistic and intellectual fields.


Milena Jesenská Fellows are invited to spend three months at the IWM in Vienna, Austria. Recipients of the fellowships are given a stipend of EUR 7.630 and are provided with office space, a PC with broadband Internet access, and the use of the IWM´s in-house research facilities as well as other relevant resources in Vienna.
Travel grants of up to EUR 1.820 will be available for research visits to neighboring countries. Candidates for the Milena Jesenská fellowships must have several years of experience in professional journalism. Their work may deal with any topic related to cultural issues of European relevance, especially having to do with theissue of European integration. Fellowships are not intended forentry-level journalists or students.


A jury of experts will evaluate the applications and select the finalists. Its members are:

Andrea Roedig, Public Relations, IWM, Vienna
Helena Luczywo, Managing Editor-in-Chief, Gazeta Wyborcza, Warsaw
Gerfried Sperl, Editor-in-Chief, Der Standard, Vienna (Chair)
Laura Starink, Editor-in-Chief of M Magazine, NRC-Handelsblad, Rotterdam
Gottfried Wagner, Director, European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam


The application consists of the following:
-the application form (please download from or request by fax: +43-1-313 58-30 or by
- a concise project proposal in English (not more than 3 double- spaced pages)
- a curriculum vitae including a list of publications

Please address applications to:
Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM)
Spittelauer Lände 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Applications by e-mail are also eligible:,
subject: Milena Jesenska

Deadline for applications is March 31, 2008 (date of receipt).

Applicants will be notified of the decision in June 2008.
The jury is not obliged to publicly justify its decisions.

Research Fellowship on Rapid Detection of Sources of Unsolicited Bulk Email (Spam)

Research Fellowship on Rapid Detection of Sources of Unsolicited Bulk Email (Spam)

Italy: Research Fellowship on Rapid Detection of Sources of Unsolicited Bulk Email (Spam), University of Udine

A research fellowship is available at the Department of Physics of the University of Udine (North-East Italy), with subject: Development of a software platform for a rapid detection of sources of unsolicited bulk email (spam) through the analysis of the flux of queries to public databases.

The fellowship is largely sponsored by an industrial entity operating in the field of systems for detection and blocking of email spam. This research is sponsored with the goal of improving the performance of products, but also of building a tool to perform quantitative analysis on various aspects of the spam distribution mechanism that can turn to be useful for several operators in this area.

Candidates must have the equivalent of an italian specialistic degree in computer science or related area, and:

1. a solid experience in C programming
2. knowledge of Unix/Linux system libraries
3. knowledge of TCP/IP, client/server architectures, DNS
4. knowledge of SQL databases
5. familiarity with development on Unix/Linux platforms
6. enthusiasm and willingness to work in an international setting on a project with possible important outcomes.

More details on the fellowship can be found at:

Književna nagrada "Gospođin vir"

 Književna nagrada "Gospođin vir"

Književnu nagradu „Gospodjin vir" osnovali su početkom 2008. godine Centar za kulturu i Edicija BRANIČEVO Pozarevac. To je - pre svega - antibirokratska, godišnja nagrada; dodeljuje se za najbolju knjigu poezije, roman, ili knjigu eseja/ogleda. . Nagrada se dodeljuje prvenstveno pojedincima koji se u svojim delima suočavaju sa umnim i duhovnim naporom, mističnim iskustvom i pesničkim lavirintom. Nagrada se dodeljuje autorima koji umeju da ožive naše dubine, da sidju u mistične virove i da po cenu napora celog bića daju delo koje ima i svu draž novine, pa i ono smešno trzanje zbilja živih nerava, zbilja sapetih spregova, kako bi rekao Vinaver.Odluku o nagradi donosi žiri sastavljen od 3 člana. Odluku o dobitniku nagrade žiri saopštava u drugoj nedelji aprila, a nagrada se dodeljuje u drugoj nedelji meseca maja) u okviru književnih susreta Bezdana umetnost.

Za nagradu konkurišu naslovi objavljeni u toku 2008. godine. Za nagradu „Gospođin vir" mogu konkurisati pisci koji pišu i objavljuju na srpskom jeziku, bez obzira gde trenutno ili stalno žive (u državi matici ili dijaspori širom sveta).

Nagrada se sastoji od skulpture (rad akademskog slikara Dragiše Miloševića) i novčanog dela.

Dela za ovu nagradu mogu predlagati umetnička udruženja, izdavači, književni kritičari, pojedinci, kao i sami autori.

Obrazložene, pisane predloge uz obavezna 3 primerka objavljenog dela treba dostaviti do 31. decembra tekuće godine, na adresu: Edicija BRANIČEVO - Centar za kulturu Požarevac, ul. Jovana Šerbanovića 1, 12000 Požarevac, sa obaveznom naznakom «Za konkurs - Gospodjin vir»

Više informacija o nagradi mogu se dobiti na telefon: 012 - 541 - 351

Two fully funded PhD studentships in Politics, Queen Mary, ULondon

fully funded PhD studentships in Politics, Queen Mary, ULondon

The Department of Politics, Queen Mary, University of London, wishes to award two full-time, fully funded, PhD studentships starting in September 2008 to run for three years. These studentships cover fees (home/overseas) and provide maintenance at research council rates. The department is looking for candidates who are working within one of the following research clusters:

  • International Relations
  • Public Policy and Political Economy
  • Political Theory and the History of Ideas
  • Conflict Management and Regime Transition
  • Political Communication and Marketing
  • Nationalism and Ethnicity
  • UK Politics
  • French Politics
  • Latin American Politics
  • Eastern European Politics (incl. South East Europe and the Balkans)
  • Middle Eastern Politics

Prospective candidates should refer to the department`s web site for further details and the research interests of potential supervisors:

Candidates wishing to be considered for a studentship must have a B.A. (Hons) degree, with a first or high 2i in Politics or cognate discipline. In addition, they must already have or be in the process of acquiring a Master`s degree in a Politics related field from a UK university or the recognised equivalent from an accredited overseas institution.

How to apply?

Students wishing to be considered for a studentship must register for the MPhil/PhD degree in the Department of Politics.

For an academic query, please contact Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Politics - Dr Toby Dodge

Submit the (non-medical) Application Form to The Graduate Admissions Office with the names of two Academic referees.

Include with your application form a research proposal (of no less than 2,000 words), including proposed field of research, main hypothesis, methodology, indicative bibliography and key questions to be addressed by your intended research.

Administrative enquiries should be addressed to Postgraduate Administrator,, Department of Politics, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS. Tel: 0207
882 8587, Fax: 020 7883 7855.

Application forms should be submitted with a research proposal by Friday, 25 April 2008.

Interviews for short-listed candidates will be held during May.
Dr Adam Fagan
Senior Lecturer
Department of Politics
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
t: 020 7882 3399

stipendije: The Roma Memorial University Scholarship (RMUSP)

The Roma Memorial University Scholarship (RMUSP)

Fond za otvoreno društvo i REF (Romski Edukativni Fond)oglašavaju konkurs za akademske stipendije The Roma Memorial University Scholarship (RMUSP) namenjene studentima/kinjama romske nacionalnosti, gradjanima/kama Bugarske, Hrvatske, Češke Republike, Mađarske, Makedonije, Crne Gore, Rumunije, Srbije, Slovačke i Turske.

Kandidati/kinje moraju studirati radi dobijanja BA, MA or PhD diplome na fakultetima koji su akreditovani i priznati od strane države čiji su građani/ke. RMUSP ima mogućnost da podrži istog/u kandidata/kinju u sticanju
Jedne B.A diplome., prelazak na drugi univerzitet, fakultet, studijsku oblast su dozvoljeni samo jednom
Jedne M.A. diplome tokom maksimalno dve godine
Jedne PhD. diplome tokom maksimalno tri godine

Stipendije se dodeljuju na godišnjem nivou više od 700 studenata/kinja koji izučavaju oblasti humanističkih nauka, biznisa, tehnickih i prirodnih nauka

Rok za prijavljivanje je 15. April 2008.

Za više informacija o stipendiji, kao i za neophodne formulare posetite sajt ili kontaktirajte Fond za otvorno društvo putem telefona: +381 11 30 25 800 ili e-maila:

Program zarade

Limun-Do - Put Trgovca

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